Documentary "Shin Kamen Rider" ~Behind the Scenes of the Hero Action Challenge~

"Shin Kamen Rider" is the first live-action film directed by Hideaki Anno since "Shin Godzilla" seven years ago. In the 52-year history of the "Masked Rider" series, this is the first time that cameras have been on the production site for an extended period of time. Please take a look at the two years of the creators taking on the challenge of creating an unprecedented heroic action film.

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Chris Sawin@ChrisSawin

June 8, 2023

The writing of the film is _Shin Kamen Rider_’s most flawed aspect. The story is essentially a bunch of fights strung together with nostalgic throwbacks and little else. The performances are crazy fun and the cinematography captures some downright amazing perspectives during the most intense parts of the fight sequences. Despite some funny moments, fantastic action sequences, and franchise homage in the palm of its hand, _Shin Kamen Rider_ is an aimless adaptation that will likely be the most forgettable of Hideaki Anno’s tokusatsu reboots.

**Full review:**